bizhub C360/C280/C220 12-3
12.1 Cannot send faxes 12
12.1.2 Network fax or network scan sending
If you cannot send a fax while using the Internet Fax, IP Address Fax, E-mail, SMB, FTP, WebDAV or Web
Service functions, follow the steps below to identify the problem.
-Even if the transmission result screen or the result area of an activity report indicates "----", due to a
problem in an Internet pathway, the E-Mail message may not be delivered to the recipient. "----" dis-
played in the TX Result or Activity Report indicates that the fax has been successfully sent to the server.
If the machine receives a message disposition notification (MDN), [OK] appears in the transmission re-
sult screen or the result column of an activity report. Use G3 Fax to receive important contents.
Check points Corrective Actions
Does the size of E-mail to
be sent exceed the
SMTP server capacity?
If the size of E-mail exceeds the SMTP server capacity (if specified), an error
occurs and the E-mail cannot be sent. For details on the SMTP server capac-
ity settings, refer to the [User's Guide Network Administrator].
Was the transmission
procedure carried out
Check the transmission procedure and then resend the fax. For details on the
transmission procedure, refer to page5-2.
Are the network settings
and connection correct?
Check the network settings and connection. For details on the network set-
tings, refer to the [User's Guide Network Administrator].
Is the E-mail address of
the machine configured?
Check the E-mail address of the machine and configure it. For details on con-
figuring the E-mail address, refer to the [User's Guide Network Administra-
Are cables connected
Check that the network cable, modular cable, and any other relevant connec-
tors are correctly connected.
Is the recipient's fax
number or address cor-
rect? Were the address
book destination and
program destination reg-
istered correctly?
There may be an error in registering the fax number when address book des-
tination and program destination are used.
Print the list of address book destinations to check that the numbers are reg-
istered correctly.
Is there a problem with
the receiving machine?
Is the power of the receiving facsimile turned off, is it out of paper or is there
another problem? Call the recipient or otherwise to determine whether there
is a problem.