bizhub C360/C280/C220 13-10
13.4 Internet Fax Glossary 13
13.4 Internet Fax Glossary
This section describes the general terms used in the Internet fax communications.
Term Description
DSN The acronym for Delivery Status Notifications, a delivery status notification mes-
sage being returned from a receiver to a sender when the E-mail is delivered to
the receiver's mail server.
Internet Fax A transmission method by which the scanned original data is transmitted among
Internet fax machines and computers as TIFF format E-mail attachments via the
intranet (in-house network) and the Internet.
MDN The acronym for Message Disposition Notifications, a message sent to confirm
that the mail has been unsealed, a response to a sender when the sender re-
quests for doing so.
POP3 The acronym for Post Office Protocol - Version 3, a commonly used transmission
protocol (transmission convention) for the transmission and reception of E-mail.
POP3 has functions including mail box authentication, E-mail download, list in-
formation check, and E-mail deletion.
SMTP The acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a commonly used transmission
protocol (transmission convention) for the transmission and reception of E-mail.