60sec,90sec.120sec, 180sec.
To adjust
Temperature Rise
Check temperature rise and, if necessary, adjust blower speed to maintain temperature rise within range shown on unit rating plate.
a - "TWO STAGE" operationcontrolledby a
b- "ONE STAGE" operation controlled by a single- stage room thermostat(high heat only); and
c - "W2 TIMED" operationwith secondstage timed ON controlledby a
1 - Check all wiringfor loose connections.
2 - Check circuit breaker located on unit controlbox.
3 - Check for the correct voltage at the furnace (furnace operating).
4 - Check
Motor NameplateActual
NOTE - Do not secure electrical conduit directly to duct- ing or structure.
Blower Speeds
Refer to blower speed selection chart on unit wiring dia- gram.
NOTE - CFM readings are takenextema/ to unitwitha dry
evaporator coil fi/ter insta//ed and without any other ac- cessories,
Electronic Ignition
The SureLight TM integratedcontrol has an added feature of an internal watchguard control The feature serves as an automatic reset device for ignitioncontrotslockedout because the burner has failed to light.After one hour of
continuousthermostat demand for heat, the watchguard will break and remake thermostatdemand to the furnace
and automaticallyreset the controlto relightthe furnace.
Bumer Flame
Start burnerand allow to operate for a few minutesto es- tablish normal burningconditions.Check burner flame by observation. Flame should be predominantly blue and strong in appearance.
Check burnerflame periodically toensure properoperation.
Annual Service
At the beginning of each heating season, system should be checked as follows by a qualified service technician:
1 - Check all wiringfor loose connections.
2 - Check circuitbreaker located on unitcontrolbox,
3- Check for the correctvoltageat the furnace(furnace operating).
4- Check
Motor Nameplate | Actual |
5 - Check to see that heat (if applicable) is operating.
Check the blower wheels for debris and clean if neces- sary. The blower motors are prelubricated for extended
bearing life. No further lubdcetion is needed.
1- Filters mustbe cleanedor replaced when dirtyto as- sure proper furnace operation.
2- Reusable foam filters used with the unit can be washed with water and mild detergent. When dry, they shouldbe sprayedwith filterhandicoaterpdorto reinstallationFilter. handicoateris RP Productscoat-
ing no. 418 and is available as Lennox part no.
3 - If replacement is necessary, order Lennox part no. 31J81 for 14 inchesx 25 inches(356 x 635 ram) filter for
inches (508 x 635 ram) filterfor
Intake and Exhaust Lines
Check intake and exhaust lines and all connections for tightnessand make surethere is no blockage,hJsocheck condensate linefor free flow dudng operation.
Outdoor pipinginsulationshoutdbe inspected yeady for deterioration. If necessary,replace with same materials.
Winterizing and Condensate Trap Care 1 - Turn off power to unit.
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