If the heater or chimney connector glows, the appli-
ance is overfiring. Other symptoms may include:
Cracking, warping or burning out of components, cata-
lytic combustor may deteriorate, gold doors may turn
color, stove glass may develop a haze which will not
come off with cleaning, firebox baffle plate (tunnel baf-
fle) may warp, etc. Overfiring of a stove is a condition
where excessive temperatures are reached, beyond
the design capabilities of the appliance. The damage
that occurs from overfiring is not covered under the
manufacturers limited warranty. The following are a
few conditions that should be evaluated and (cor-
rected if necessary) if an overfiring condition is sus-
Overfiring Caused From Improper Installation
The venting system must satisfy the draft Require-
ments of the appliance. The appliance is merely one
component of a larger system. The other equally im-
portant component is the venting system, which is
necessary for achieving the required flow of combus-
tion air to the fire chamber and for safely removing
unwanted combustion byproducts from the appliance.
If the venting system’s design does not promote these
ends, the system may not function properly, which
may create performance problems as well as may be
a safety hazard. To ensure that all installation re-
quirements have been met as outlined in the installa-
tion manual. The chimney should be clean and in
good repair. A draft test should be performed to de-
termine if the draft requirements of the appliance are
being met. A draft gauge should read between .05 and
.07 inches water column (W.C.I.).
Excessive draft (above .07 W.C.I.) will allow too much
combustion air to be pulled into the firebox, which re-
sults in hotter burns. Too little draft (below .05 W.C.I.)
will not allow enough combustion air delivery to main-
tain a fire well or cause performance problems such
as smoking (this may result in improper operation of
appliance, i.e. will not maintain fire well unless cata-
lytic bypass is left open, or with fuel door left open
(see below - Overfiring Caused From Improper Opera-
Overfiring Caused From Improper Operation
Never burn the appliance with the fuel door open or
ajar, or the ash drawer open. Never burn the stove
with the bypass handle in the open position once the
fire has been established or the air control in the
"high" position for extended periods.
Overfiring Caused From Improper Maintenance
Should the fuel door, glass or ash drawer gaskets be-
come worn or damaged, they should be replaced.
Overfiring Caused From Improper Fuel
This appliance is approved for use with natural dry
well seasoned wood only (consult your dealer for ap-
proved fuels in your area). Do not burn garbage, par-
ticleboard scraps, or pressed logs using bonding
agents because they can produce conditions that will
deteriorate metal. Green or uncured wood does not
work well as fuel, and can cause increased creosote
buildups. Do not overload or use kindling wood or mill
ends as primary fuel.