three seconds. The radio switches to Ch. 16 and a
If an inadvertent Distress call is sent out, make sure you're on Ch. 16 and quickly transmit a message to all vessels, canceling the Dis- tress call.
3-second timer
If the DISTRESS key is held down until the timer expires, the radio will switch to Ch. 70 and a distress call will be sent out. The DSC Distress message is transmitted at 25 watts.
The Distress message contains your MMSI, your position and the UTC time acquired from your GPS, if you're using a GPS unit. The DISTRESS ANNUNCIATOR is displayed during the transmission.
being sent
Timer expired
A loud
The Coast Guard is the only agency allowed to acknowledge a Dis- tress call. An individual vessel's DSC radio will not automatically respond with an acknowledgement.