HD24/96 Technical Reference | 26 |
To reset the Template to the factory defaults (See Appendix B for the default settings):
From the File menu, select Reset Template. Click OK in the Confirm Reset Template dialog box.
Playlist Management
A region is a graphic representation of an entire audio file or a portion thereof. A region contains editable start and end boundaries (or borders) which define the start and end times of the audio file for playback and looping purposes.
A Playlist is a list of regions within the project, with the start and end times of each region or portion of a region that has been selected for playback. Thus, the Region is the fundamental unit for recording, playback, and editing. Regions are what we hear when we play our recording.
Whenever a recording pass is first made, a region is created which includes the entire audio file. A region may be trimmed to represent only a portion of the audio file for playback by defining new start and/or end points. Region boundaries can be modified by sliding their end points, or new regions can be created by cutting, copying, or pasting sections of a recording. Some of the tools and procedures have been described in previous sections.
Since the region boundaries are merely pointers as to what portion of the original recording to play, any region can always be expanded all the way back to the original size of the complete audio file from which it was derived.
Regions are represented on screen either as solid colored blocks (View Waveforms OFF) or with waveform representations drawn within the blocks (View Waveforms ON), as selected from the Options menu. The region's name appears in the upper left corner of the block, provided the screen resolution is high enough to display the text. The name also appears in the Regions list. The region name originally inherits the track name followed by the “take” number, a sequentially numbered recording pass on that track.
Other graphics representations within a region boundary include fade curves, region loop points and the volume level envelope.
Region characteristics can be viewed and modified from the Region Editor, which will be discussed in detail further on (page 55).
Region List
The Region List is a list of all recorded passes, imported audio files, captured regions, and rendered tracks within a Project. It represents the library of recordings on disk. Note that only recordings are placed on the Region List, not segments of a Region that have been split up for editing purposes. Even if you have deleted a region from a track, it’s still on the region list, so you can easily recover it.
This list is in alphabetical order, so naming your tracks will make it easier to identify the contents of the listed regions.
A region can be placed on to a track by clicking on its name in the Region List and dragging it into the Track Display area and on to the desired track.