A utility called PCIScope is also useful for verification and debugging purposes. See Page 32 for more information.
Windows NT Instructions
You WILL be prompted to Shut Down and Reboot your system several times during software installation. Please be patient, each Shut Down and Reboot does serve a purpose and is required for correct installation. If you Shut Down and Reboot when requested, it may save you from having to make a call to MAGMA Technical Support.
| NOTE |
| |
| Prior to installing the MAGMA CardBus Driver, you should be familiar |
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| with the installation procedures for the PCI cards that you are installing |
| |
| in the expansion chassis. Some PCI card manufacturers recommend |
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| that you install their software driver(s) prior to installing the hardware. |
| |
| If this is the case, you should install their driver before you connect and |
| |
| power up the expansion chassis. You may be required to reboot before |
| |
| connecting6ORW6HULHVthe expansion8VHUV0DQXDOchassis. |
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