Figure 2-2 Boot ROM alignment
Align ROM and socket notches
turn to Section 2.2 to continue installa- tion.
2.3 PCI Adapter Configuration
The steps used to configure your adapter depend on whether your computer system supports the Plug and Play (PnP) 1.0a specification. You most likely have a Plug and Play 1.0a compliant system if it was purchased after June 1994 or if the BIOS is dated after June 1994.
If your system is PnP compliant, either in BIOS or if you are running Windows 95, go to Section 2.3.1. If you have a
2.3.1 Configuration in Plug and Play systems
On systems with Plug and Play motherboards the card will be configured automatically by the system's BIOS during
2.3.2Configuration in Non-Plug and Play Sys- tems
Early generation PCI bus PCs require that the PCI adapter card be configured using the BIOS setup program. Setup options include: A) enabling the specific slot in which the adapter is installed, B) the selection of Bus Master mode, and C) selection of