McCulloch MRT6 Posición de manillar, Posizione del manubrio, Importante, Attenzione

Models: MRT6

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1. Manillar (posición baja)

2.Manillar (posición alta)

3.Palanca de bloqueo del manillar

1. Manubrio (posizione abbassata)

2.Manubrio (posizione sollevata)

3.Leva di bloccaggio del manubrio

figura 15 Figure 15

Posición de manillar

Afloje la palaca de bloqueo del manillar (fig. 15). El manillar se puede poner en distintos ajustes entre las posiciones "alta" y "baja" (fig. 15). Apriete la palanca de bloqueo del manillar.


Seleccione la altura de manillar adecuada para Usted y para sus conciciones de laboreo. La altura del manillar cambiará cuando la cultivadora entre en la tierra.


Para el motor y quite el cable y la cubierta de la bujia (fig. 6) antes de limpiar los dientes manualmente. Tenga cuidado los dientes están afilados.


Coloque calzos bajo la transmisión para que no se vuelque la cultivadora.

2Ajuste de correa de propulsión en tierra

Se recomienda que la(s) correa(s) sean sustituidas por un centro de servicio calificado.



Posizione del manubrio

Allentare la leva di bloccaggio del manubrio (fig. 15). II manubrio può assumere ogni posizióne tra "abbassata" e "sollevata" (fig. 15). Ristringere la leva di bloccaggio.


Selezionare la posizione più comoda per le vostre condizioni di impiego. L'altezza del manubrio diminuisce quando le lame affondano nel terreno.


Spengere il motore e staccare il cappellotto dalla candela (fig. 6), prima di procedere alla pulizia delle lame. Fare at- tenzione - le lame sono affilate.


Porre dei blocchi sotto la trasmissione per impedire il ribal- tamento del motocoltivatore.

Messa a punto della cinghia di trasmissione

Si consiglia di far cambiare la(e) cinghia(e) da un centro di assistenza qualificato.


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McCulloch MRT6 Posición de manillar, Posizione del manubrio, Messa a punto della cinghia di trasmissione, Importante

MRT6 specifications

The McCulloch MRT6 is a versatile and innovative garden tool designed for optimal performance in various landscaping tasks. This multi-tool system combines several functions into one compact unit, making it a popular choice among both professional landscapers and home gardening enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of the MRT6 is its powerful 2-stroke engine, which provides exceptional performance while maintaining low emissions. This environmentally friendly engine not only reduces the carbon footprint but also ensures efficient operation, allowing users to work longer without frequent refueling. The lightweight design enhances maneuverability, making it easy to carry and operate for extended periods.

The MRT6 is equipped with a range of interchangeable attachments, which can be easily swapped out to suit different gardening needs. The system includes a hedge trimmer, grass trimmer, and pole saw, among others, allowing users to tackle various tasks without the need for multiple tools. This adaptability is further complemented by the tool-free attachment system, ensuring quick and seamless transitions between attachments.

Another notable aspect of the McCulloch MRT6 is its ergonomic design. The adjustable handles and balanced weight distribution reduce strain on the user's body, promoting comfort during prolonged use. Additionally, the anti-vibration technology minimizes vibrations, further enhancing user comfort and control.

The MRT6 also features a robust build quality, designed to withstand the rigors of outdoor use. Its durable materials ensure longevity, making it a reliable tool for years to come. Furthermore, the easy-start system allows for hassle-free ignition, so users can start their tasks promptly without frustration.

Safety is paramount with the MRT6, and it includes several features to protect the user. The safety switch prevents accidental starting, while the protective blade guard adds an extra layer of safety during operation.

In summary, the McCulloch MRT6 is a powerful, adaptable, and user-friendly garden tool. With its efficient engine, interchangeable attachments, ergonomic design, and safety features, it stands out as an excellent choice for anyone looking to streamline their gardening tasks while ensuring a high level of performance. Whether maintaining a small garden or tackling larger landscaping projects, the MRT6 promises to deliver efficiency and reliability.