Setup, con’t
1.Press the SETUP
2.Rotate the BALANCE Control Knob until the words PASSTHRU OFF appears. Refer to figure 18.
Figure 18
3.Rotate the LISTEN Switch Knob until AU2 is dis- played. Refer to figure 19.
Figure 19
4. Press the SETUP
Firmware Version
The C200 functionality is controlled by internal software that is know as Firmware. The Version of the Firmware in the C200 can be identified at any time by utilizing the Setup Mode.
1.Press the SETUP
2.Rotate the BALANCE Control Knob until the word VERSION _. _ _ appears. Refer to figure 22.
Figure 22
3.The number after the word VERSION is the Firmware number.
4.Press the SETUP
Remote Control Selection
There are two choices for the Remote Control Codes that the C200 will respond to. The Remote Control that came with the C200 utilizes the NORMal McIntosh Control Codes. The Second Set of Control Codes that the C200 will respond to is referred to as the ALTernate Codes.
Note: If the ALT Remote Control Code is selected, the C200 will not respond using the supplied McIntosh Remote Control.
1.Press the SETUP
2.Rotate the BALANCE Control Knob until the words REMOTE NORM appears. Refer to figure 20.
Figure 20
3.Rotate the LISTEN Switch Knob and select the RE- MOTE ALT setting. Refer to figure 21.
Figure 21
4. Press the SETUP