Repairs should only be performed
by authorised service personnel.
• Do not touch the electrical contacts
of the flash unit.
• If the housing has been damaged in
such a way that internal compo-
nents are exposed, the flash unit
may no longer be used. Remove the
batteries! Do not touch any internal
components. HIGH VOLTAGE!
• Do not use any toxic batteries or
rechargeable batteries!
2 Preparation2.1 Power supply
The flash unit can optionally be ope-
rated with:
• 2 alkali-manganese dry batteries
Type IEC LR03 (AAA / Micro),
maintenance-free power source for
moderate power requirements.
• 2 NC batteries Type IEC KR03
(AAA / Micro).
• 2 nickel metal hydride batteries
Type IEC HR03 (AAA / Micro), sig-
nificantly higher capacity than
NC batteries and less harmful to the
environment than the NC batteries
as they are cadmium-free. They
offer very short flash sequence times
and economical operation as they
are rechargeable.
• 2 lithium batteries 1.5 V, Type IEC
FR03 (AAA / Micro), maintenance-
free power source with high capaci-
ty and low self-discharge rate.
The batteries/rechargeable batteries
are empty or used if the flash inter-
val for flashes at full power rises
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