3 Starting up for the firsttimeWhen the flash unit is switched on for
the first time or when a “RESET” is
performed (see Chapterir 14.2), the
following display appears after the
main switch is activated:
• Press the button on the flash
unit. In the display appears:
• Now set the desired operating
- The camera specific remote control
(see Chapter 4)
- Manual wireless slave mode (see
Chapter 5)
- Learn function (see Chapter 5.1)
- Slave mode (see Chapter 5.2)
- Operation with a synchronous cable
(see Chapter 6)
4 Camera-specific remoteoperationThis remote operating mode is only
possible if the camera supports remo-
te operation with an integrated flash
or if an additional flash unit is moun-
ted on the camera (e.g. Metz meca-
blitz 58AF-1) which supports remote
4.1 General information on
wireless remote control
A remote system consists of a master
or controller flash unit in the camera
or an external master or controller
flash unit on the camera and one or
more slave flash units.
The slave flash unit is remotely con-
trolled by the master or controller
flash unit.
A master flash unit contributes to the
lighting and at the same time controls
the slave flash units.
A controller flash unit only has control
The slave flash unit is assigned to one
of three possible groups (A, B or C –
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