Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
If the source data requires custom entity, attribute, or list-value creation, the Data
Migration Wizard can customize Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 as part of the migration
Data Migration Wizard lets you reuse data mappings from previous migrations. You can
then import similar data without the need to remap the data every time.
Data Migration Wizard preserves the relationship between records when you migrate
A new import auto-mapping feature simplifies mapping source data. If the records use
attribute display labels as column headings in a CSV file, the data is automatically
mapped to the correct attribute.
Data can be imported into most entities using the new Imports area in the application. For
each import, the user can view the status of each record in the import.
Users can receive an e-mail notification when an import is complete.
Data can be enriched by exporting it to a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet, adding
data, and importing the records.
Duplicates can be detected automatically in various scenarios. For example:
o When you import records.
o When you create or update a record.
o When the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook goes from offline
to online, or because of a workflow action.
System administrators can run recurring duplicate detection on selected entities as an
asynchronous job.
Users can run duplicate detection from any view on selected records, or all records, in
the entity.
System administrators can define the rules for duplicate detection for each entity.
Access control to data management features is based on privileges for the new entities:
data imports, import maps, and duplicate-detection rules, and on new global duplicate-
detection settings, which control where duplicate-detection is enabled.
What’s New in Customization?
Several of the new customization features include the following features:
Set Form Assistant options in form properties. You can set options for how the Form
Assistant displays for each entity.
Enable duplicate detection. In each entity you can decide whether to enable duplicate
Select Input Method Editor (IME) mode for each attribute. IME mode can be set for
attributes that accept text or numbers. IME is used for East-Asian languages, such as
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, accommodating the thousands of possible characters in
these languages to be entered using a keyboard.
Download Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files. Use links available in
the Customization area to download WSDL files for programming
Set Application Mode. In System Settings, you can select whether Microsoft Dynamics
CRM will run in application mode, which hides the address, tool, and menu bars on the
Set ISV integration. In System Settings, you can select whether custom buttons or
menus appear.