Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
This chapter describes several of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM components and tasks that the
administrator should configure after installing the application. Because Microsoft Dynamics CRM
has a rich feature and functionality set, this chapter is not meant to be an exhaustive resource
used to configure any and all deployments. Instead, use this chapter as a guideline to determine
what components to configure, based on your organization’s needs.
Configuration Guide and Roadmap
The following tables contain configuration goals and associated tasks that should be performed
by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrator. The goals and their tasks are arranged in the
order that they should be completed for a typically deployment.
Each task has an associated Help topic that explains it.
To view the Help information for each task, select one of the following clients:
• Web application. Click Contents on the Help menu.
• Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook. Point to Help, and then click Contents on the
CRM menu.
You can view a Help topic associated with each subtask by locating the Help topic title in the
table of contents or by typing the Help topic title in the Search box for search Help.
Goal 1: Tailor Microsoft Dynamics CRM to Your
The following table lists the tasks to configure system-wide settings in the application. These
tasks should be performed or evaluated before starting to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Task Subtask: Help Topic Title
Define settings that apply to all users.
Configure areas that should be defined before
users start using Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
(These tasks are completed in the
Administration and Business Management
areas in Settings.)
Set language options: Language Settings Dialog Box
• Set auto-numbering options: Set Auto-Numbering
• Set system settings: Manage System Settings
• Create subject tree: Work with Subjects
Set up users and data access. Set up
business units and security roles so that users
can access the most suitable data, and then
add users. (These tasks are completed in the
Administration area of Settings.)
Understand the security model: Controlling Data Access
• Create business units: Work with Business Units
• Review security roles: Work with Security Roles
• Configure users: Manage a User's Record