Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
Improvement Program after the third-party provider accepts the invitation on your
organization’s behalf, you can turn off this feature in the Microsoft Dynamics
CRM Web application. To do this, in the Navigation Pane, click Settings, under
Settings, click Administration, in the Administration area click Privacy
Preferences, in the Privacy Preferences dialog box clear the Yes, I am willing
to participate anonymously in the Customer Experience Improvement
Program check box, and then click OK.
12. On the Specify Reporting Services Server page, you can keep the existing Report Server
URL or type a new URL for the Report Server. When typing a new URL, make sure that you use
the Report Server URL, not the Report Manager URL. To verify that you are using the correct
URL, in a browser, type the Report Server URL as the address. You should see a page titled
<server>/ReportServer - /: with text that displays the version number: Microsoft SQL Server
Reporting Services Version <version number>. Click Next.
13. On the Specify Security Account page, select the security account for the Microsoft
Dynamics CRM services and ASP.NET component, and then click Next.
Note If you select to run the ASP.NET service under a domain user account
that is not either a domain administrator or a local administrator, you must set a
local security policy after you install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server for the
ASP.NET service to work correctly. Also, depending on the password policies
you have implemented for your organization, the password for the user may
expire. For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 329290,
How to use the ASP.NET utility to encrypt credentials and session state
connection strings
14. On the Specify E-mail Router Settings page, you can keep the existing E-mail Router
server or type a new name for the computer on which the E-mail Router will be installed. This
computer will be used to route Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail messages. If you will not install
the E-mail Router you can leave this box blank. Then click Next.
15. The System Requirements page appears. This page is a summary of all system
requirements for a successful Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server installation. Failed tests must be
corrected before installation can continue. If a problem will take time to correct, cancel Setup at
this point, fix the problem and restart Setup again. All errors must be resolved. If no errors or only
warnings appear, you can continue with the installation. To do this, click Next.
16. Review the Ready to Install the Application page, click Back to correct any errors. When
you are ready to continue, click Upgrade.
17. When Setup completes successfully, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Completed page
appears. We recommend that you let Setup restart the computer by leaving the Restart the
computer when the wizard closes option checked. Click Finish.