Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
<Groups autogroupmanagementoff="true/false">
When used, Setup will use the existing groups in Active Directory instead of creating them
during installation. If <automanagegroupsoff> is true, Setup will not add or remove any
members to those groups.
If this option is not specified, the default is false. This means that the server will not restart at
the end of Setup. Also, this option applies only to a final install restart, and not previous
restarts that may be required for other components.
<IncomingExchangeServer name=” ServerName”/>
Specifies the Microsoft Exchange Server computer or POP3 that will be used by the E-mail
Router to route incoming e-mail messages.
Specifies the e-mail server that will be used for e-mail routing.
<InstallDir>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM</InstallDir>
Important To install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server for Internet access, you
must add the following ifdsettings elements and associated values.
<ifdsettings enabled="true"/"false">
This option should only be used for Internet-facing deployments. Set enabled = "true" to
notify Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup to configure the deployment for Internet
access. If the <ifdsettings> element is not specified, the enabled attribute value is set to
<internalnetworkaddress>IP Network Address-Subject Mask</internalnetworkaddress>
IP address and subnet mask, such as This is the internal
IP address and the associated subnet mask of the server that is running IIS where the
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Web application is running. If you will deploy Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Server on multiple servers on different subnets you can repeat this
element for each IP and subnet mask address that is in the deployment. Notice that, if
you leave this element blank, users will always be prompted, when they log on to
Microsoft Dynamics CRM, for both internal and external access.
Must be https, which will use secure sockets layer (SSL), or http, which will use the
nonsecure HTTP protocol.
Warning Setup does not require SSL on the Web site where Microsoft
Dynamics CRM is installed. We strongly recommend that you specify the https