Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
More information about how to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook is described in the
following sections.
Step 1: Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Use the following procedures in this section to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook.
Note We recommend that Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook not be installed
on a computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server.
1. Meet all Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook requirements in the previous System
Requirements chapter and make sure all Microsoft Office security hot fixes are installed.
2. Log on to the computer as a user who has Local Administrator privileges.
3. Double-click Setup.exe, which is located with the installation files in the following folder:
4. Either click Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook (Recommended) or click Install
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access (Advanced).
5. On the License Agreement page, review the information and, if you accept the license
agreement, select I accept this license agreement, and then click I Accept.
6. If Setup detects that components are missing, the Install Required Components page
If you have already installed the required components listed, this page will not appear.
If you have not installed the required components listed, you can install them now. Click Install.
When the components are installed, the status column will change from Missing to Installed,
and you can click Next to continue.
Note These components are required before Microsoft Dynamics CRM for
Outlook can be installed. You can exit Setup and install the components
manually, or select Install. The Next button on this page is disabled until Setup
detects these components are installed.
The installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 can take up to 10 minutes.
7. The Select Installation Location page appears only when you install Microsoft Dynamics
CRM for Outlook with Offline Access. On this page, select the file installation location. Click Next.
8. The System Requirements page appears. This page is a summary of all system requirements
for a successful Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook installation. Failed checks must be
corrected before installation can continue to the next step. If there is a problem that will take time
to correct, cancel Setup at this point, fix the problem, and restart Setup. When all checks are
successful and you are ready to install, click Install.
9. On the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Setup Completion page, click Close.
10. Run the Configuration Wizard. Information about this step is described in the next section.