Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
Step 1: Install Files The following command displays the available options to run Microsoft Dynamics CRM for
Outlook Setup at the command line:
Setupclient.exe [/A] [/Q] [/X] [/L [drive:][[path] logfilename.log]] [/targetdir [drive:][[path]]
Important Setup does not use an XML configuration file when you run Setup to
install (step 1) Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook. All commands are passed
to Setup from the command-line parameters.
For users who travel, or who are not always connected to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server,
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access provides access to their customer data.
To install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access in quiet
Setupclient /Q /l c:\clientinstalllog.txt INSTALLLEVEL=3 /targetdir
”c:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client”
To uninstall Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access in quiet mode:
msiexec /X /Q Client.msi /l c:\clientuninstall.txt Client.msi
Used without parameters, Setupclient.exe will run with all display screens.
This parameter determines the type of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook that will be
installed. The following choices are available:
• 2. Installs Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook. If this parameter is not specified
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook (not Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with
Offline Access) is installed during a quiet mode installation.
• 3. Installs Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access.
/targetdir <"drive:\path">
Specifies the folder in which Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook files will be installed.
This parameter creates an administrative installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook
by creating a Windows Installer package. This package lets users run Setup from a network
share or non-administrative users run Setup that is driven from a group policy. This
parameter must be used with the /targetdir parameter described earlier. When using this
parameter, the /targetdir value does not have to be located on the local computer. A mapped
drive or network share such as \\share\mscrm_client_admin can be used. For example, the