Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
7 Use the Command Line to Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM
You can install Microsoft Dynamics™ CRM 4.0, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector for
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office
Outlook®, and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router from their respective installation disks
or download-files location by using the command line. The required setup information is provided
to the Setup program both as command-line parameters and as an XML configuration file that the
Setup program references.
One advantage of using the command line to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM is that you do not
have to attend the installation. Attended installation requires that you make various decisions and
provide information so that installation can complete successfully. Unattended installation, by
using the command line, requires that you provide the installation information as command-line
parameters and an XML configuration file. No other action is required until the Setup program is
finished. Errors and installation progress can be logged to a file that you can view and analyze

General Procedures

The procedures for accessing the Setup program on the individual installation disk or download-
files location are basically the same. The prerequisites for each of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM
system components as discussed in previous sections also apply.
1. Log on to the computer as a member of the Domain Users Active Directory group and
Administrators group on the local computer. In addition, the user running Setup must have
administrative-level permissions on the computer that has Microsoft SQL Server installed, and
permissions to create or modify Active Directory groups in the domain where Microsoft Dynamics
CRM Server is installed.
2. If you are installing from an installation disk, insert the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server
or the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Office Outlook installation disk into the CD/DVD drive. The
autorun screen appears. Close the autorun screen.
3. Open a command-prompt window.
4. At the command prompt, change to the CD/DVD drive or change to the location where
the Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation files are located:
SetupServer.exe for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server is located in the root of the
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server installation disk or download-files location.
SetupSrsDataConnector.exe for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector for SQL Server
Reporting Services is located in the \SrsDataConnector folder on the Microsoft Dynamics
CRM Server installation disk or download-files location.
Setupclient.exe for Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook is located in the root of the
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook installation disk or download-files location.
SetupExchange.exe for Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router is located in the
\Exchange folder on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server installation disk or download-
files location.