Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
A list of supported ISO currency codes are available in the System Requirements chapter in the
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Implementation Guide that is part of this document set.
Specifies the SQL Server database collation name to use for the organization database. For
example, Latin1_General_Cl_Al, which is the default collation for English (US) language
deployments. For more information about database collation, see the following Microsoft
MSDN Web site:
SQL Server Collation Fundamentals (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=98715)
<CrmServiceAccount type="DomainUser">
Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics CRM service account type. Accepted values include
NetworkService, which uses the Network Service system account, or DomainUser, which will
use the specified domain user. By default, Setup will use the Network Service account. If
DomainUser is specified, <ServiceAccountLogin> and <ServiceAccountPassword> are
required. If this option is not used, Setup will use Network Service.
Caution Maintaining the configuration file that has <ServiceAccountLogin>
and <ServiceAccountPassword> values specified is a security risk because
you are storing a password in plain text. Delete these elements as soon as the
configuration file is used to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
<SQM optin=" true / false"/>
Specifies whether you will participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. If
you specify true, you will participate in the program.
Note By default, the Customer Experience Improvement Program feature in Microsoft
Dynamics CRM is turned on. Later, if you decide that you do not want to participate in the
Customer Experience Improvement Program, you can turn off this feature in the Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Web application. To do this, in the Navigation Pane, click Settings,
under Settings, click Administration, in the Administration area click Privacy
Preferences, in the Privacy Preferences dialog box clear the Yes, I am willing
to participate anonymously in the Customer Experience Improvement
Program check box, and then click OK.
<Reporting UseSSL="true"/"false" URL="http://srsserver1/ReportServer"/>
UseSSL. If the SQL Server Reporting Services Web site uses SSL, designate true,
otherwise, enter false.
URL. Specifies the URL of the Report Server.