Settings (Menu )
The Settings menu has options to customize your phone.
Access and Options
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Settings.
3. Select a sub-menu.
Call Setup
Data Settings
Voice Services
Phone Info
Sounds (Menu )
Options to customize various sounds emitted from the phone.
Ringers (Menu )
Allows you to set ring tones for types of incoming calls.
1. Press , , , .
2. Select an incoming call type.
Caller ID / No Caller ID / Restrict
3. Use to select a ringer, then press to save the sound.
Using Phone Menus
Using Phone Menus
Notepad (Menu )
Allows you to add, read, edit, and erase notes to yourself.
1. Press , , .
2. Options from here:
Press Left Soft Key Add to write a new note.
Press Right Soft Key Options.
Erase / Erase All
EZ Tip Calc (Menu )
Allows you to quickly and easily calculate the amounts for a bill
with the amount of the bill, the amount of the tip, and the
number of people as variables.
1. Press , , .
Calculator (Menu )
Allows you to perform simple mathematical calculations You
can enter numbers up to the sixth decimal place.
1. Press , , .
World Clock (Menu )
Allows you to determine the current time in another time zone
or country.
1. Press , , .
2. Use to move the crosshair across the map or press
Right Soft Key Cities to enter a specific city.
3. Press Left Soft Key Set DST to set Daylight Savings
Time for the selected city.
NOTE: Calculations can be made with up to 37 characters at one
time (e.g., 63+78-21 would be 8 characters).
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