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Minus (-)or F5

Select the previous value for the current field.











Make a selection from the menu bar or enter a sub-menu.








Home or End

Move the cursor to the top or bottom of the current menu.








Page up or Page down

Move the cursor to the next or previous page of the current menu.











Restore the default settings for the fields on the current menu.











Save the changes you’ve made and exit from BIOS Setup.
















The default BIOS settings may not be appropriate for your particular system. Make a note of the current settings before pressing F9 or using the Load Setup Defaults option of the Exit

2￿￿￿￿￿￿menu,￿￿￿. ￿￿￿!%￿￿￿￿￿￿

You can at any time get general help about the control keys by pressing the F1 key.

The help window on the right-hand side of each menu displays help text for the currently- selected field. It changes as you move the cursor from one field to another.

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Immediately after the first screen, a second screen displays various POST messages such as the memory test. While this screen is on display, a message at the bottom says: ‘ Press <F2> to enter setup’. Even if this message is not displayed, you can press the <ESC> key and this menu will appear just before booting:

Boot Menu

1.Diskette Drive

2.Removable Devices

3.Hard Disk Drive


5.Network Boot

<Enter Setup>

This menu can be used to temporarily use another drive or device to boot your system, for example a bootable CD-ROM, without having to enter the BIOS setup. Simply use the up and down arrows to make a selection. This change will not be permanent and the system boot will revert to the normal BIOS setting the next time you switch on your system.


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