SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 1
Remote Control MN/SLM5650.IOM
Code and
for Command
or Response
to Query
Description of Arguments Response to
Code and
Response to Query
A = Tx SCT Reference same as SCT
B = Tx Clock Invert same as TCI
C = Tx Data Invert same as TDI
D = Tx Data Fault same as TDF
E = Tx BPSK Data Ordering same as TBO
F = Tx Carrier State same as TXO
G = Tx Ternary Code same as TTC
HHHHHHHH = expansion bytes
I = Rx FEC Type same as RFT
J = Rx Modulation Type same as RMD
K = Rx Code Rate same as RCR
LLLLLL.LLL = Rx Data Rate same as RDR
MMMM.MMMM = Rx Frequency same as RFQ
N = Rx Overhead Type same as RFM
OOO = Reserved
P = Rx Reed-Solomon state same as RRS
Q = Rx Reed-Solomon code word same as RCW
R = Rx Reed-Solomon interleaver depth same as RRD
S = Rx Spectrum Invert same as RSI
T = Rx Descrambler same as RDS
U = Rx Differential Decoder same as RDD
V = Rx Clock Invert same as RCI
W = Rx Data Invert same as RDI
X = Rx Data Fault same as RDF
Y = Rx BPSK Data Ordering same as RBO
ZZZZ.ZZZ = Rx Demod Acq Sweep Range same as RSW
AAA = Rx Reacquisition Time same as REA
B = Rx Clock Source same as RCK
C = Rx Buffer Programming Mode same as RBM
DDDDDDDD = Rx Buffer Size same as RBS
EE.E = Eb/No Alarm Point same as EBA
F = Statistics Sample Interval same as SSI
G = Rx Ternary Code same as RTC
H = Receive T1 Framing same as T1F
I = Receive E1 Framing same as E1F