SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2
Front Panel Operation MN/SLM5650.IOM
4.2 Opening Screen
This screen is displayed when power switch is in the On position:
The bottom line displays the internal software version and the selected mode of operation. Press
[ENT] to go to the Main Menu screen.
Go to CONFIG: MODE and set the MODEM type, the FREQBAND, and
the INTERFACE type prior to preceding with the rest of the modem
4.3 Main Menu
The following selections are available:
Configure Permits the user to fully configure the modem.
Monitor Permits the user to monitor the alarm status of the unit, to view the
log of stored events, and to display the Receive Parameters screen
and clear all stored faults.
Test Permits the user to configure the modem into one of several Test
Permits the user to save and retrieve up to 10 different modem
Permits the user to perform miscellaneous functions, such as
setting the Real-Time Clock, adjusting the display brightness, etc.

Comtech SLM-5650 Modem Status: GO

Firmware Version x.x.x Mode: TURBO

SELECT: Configure Monitor Test

Save/Load Util