SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2
Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1–14 8-PSK BER Performance, Trellis Decoder
Table 1-6 applies to 8-PSK with trellis decoder rates.
Table 1-6. 8-PSK BER Performance, Trellis Decoder
Eb/No (dB) Specifications
Viterbi Decoder
BER 2/3 Rate 5/6 Rate
10-3 6.5 8.7
10-4 7.3 9.4
10-5 8.1 10.1
10-6 8.9 10.8
10-7 9.6 11.6
10-8 10.2 12.3 8-PSK BER Performance, Trellis Decoder and Reed-Solomon
Table 1-7 applies to 8-PSK with trellis decoder and reed-solomon rates.
Table 1-7. 8-PSK BER Performance,
Trellis Decoder with Reed-Solomon
Eb/No (dB) Specifications
Viterbi Decoder
BER 2/3 Rate 5/6 Rate
10-6 6.2 8.2
10-7 6.5 8.5
10-8 6.7 8.9
10-9 6.9 9.3
10-10 7.2 9.7 16-QAM BER Performance, Viterbi Decoder and Reed-Solomon
Table 1-8 applies to 16-QAM with Viterbi decoder and reed-solomon rates.
Table 1-8. 16-QAM BER Performance,
Viterbi Decoder with Reed-Solomon
Eb/No (dB) Specifications
Viterbi Decoder
BER 3/4 Rate 7/8 Rate
10-6 8.2 9.5
10-7 8.4 9.8
10-8 8.6 10.1
10-9 8.8 10.3
10-10 9.0 10.6