SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2
Front Panel Operation MN/SLM5650.IOM
Select: CONFIG: Transmit: Clocking
Select Clk Source or SCT Ref, then press [E].
Clk Source SCT or Tx-Terr SCT stands for Send Clock Timing or also is referred to as
internal and is provided as an output to provide a clock reference for the user.
Tx-Terr stands for the transmit clock input on the selected data interface.
SCT Ref Reference, DataSrcSync, or Looptiming If reference is selected SCT will be
generated from the modem’s 10 MHz reference (this could be derived from and
external reference if selected. DataSRCSync stands for Data Source
Synchronization. This is an operational mode where no clock is provided on the
interface and a clock is generated such that it is phase locked to the incoming
data stream. Looptiming is when the clock generated from the received carrier
is used as a reference for generating SCT.
Select: CONFIG: Transmit: Misc
Select Clk/DataPhase or BitOrdering, then press [E].
DataPhase Tx Clock Phase, Normal or Inverted
Tx Data Phase, Normal or Inverted
BitOrdering Tx Bit Ordering (for BPSK compatibility), Standard or Non-Standard Select: CONFIG: Receive
Demod Permits the user to select FEC, Type, Rate, RS, Diff, and Descrambler.
DataRate Permits the user to enter a selected data rate. (See Chapter 3.)
Overhead Permits the user to select the overhead type, view the overhead rate, select the
Reed Solomon Code Word, and depth.
Frequency Permits the user to select desired frequency and spectral inversion.
Acquisition Permits the user to select acquisition range and reacquisition time period.
Buffer Permits the user to select buffer reference clock source, recenter, the buffer
size, Bit mode or millisecond mode and external Framing for Plesiochronous
Misc Permits the user to select Clk and Data Phase, BPSK Bit Ordering, and Eb/No

Tx Clocking: CLK Source: SCT (efE)

SCT Ref: Reference

Tx Misc: Clk/DataPhase BitOrdering


Rx: Demod DataRate Overhead Frequency

Acquisition Buffer Misc (efE)