P r i n t i n g a U s e F i r s t L a b e l

Apply a “Use First” label to any product on the shelf that needs to be used first.

1. Press the Use First button on the keypad (bottom right).


2. A label with the words "Use First" prints.

U s i n g t h e S t o p P r i n t i n g F u n c t i o n

If you press the wrong number of labels to be printed, or the wrong product button:

1. Press the Stop Printing button on the keypad (upper right) to cancel printing.

2. Press the FEED button on the printer to clear the stopped label.

Note: You must be at the main display for this function to work.

F u t u r e U p g r a d e s

Updates will be provided by Supervisors.

To use the Update Utility, see Chapter 5, “Using the Update Utility,” for more information.

2-8Equipment Manual