J2ME Introduction
The Configuration Layer used in the Motorola C381p handset is the Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.1 (CLDC 1.1) and the Profile Layer used is the Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0 (MIDP 2.0). Together, the CLDC and MIDP provide common APIs for I/O, simple math functionality, UI, and more.
For more information on J2ME, see the Sun™ J2ME documentation (http://java.sun.com/j2me/).
The Motorola J2ME Platform
Functionality not covered by the CLDC and MIDP APIs is left for individual OEMs to implement and support. By adding to the standard APIs, manufacturers can allow developers to access and take advantage of the unique functionality of their handsets. The Motorola C381p handset contains OEM APIs for extended functionality ranging from enhanced UI to advanced data security. While the Motorola C381p handset can run any application written in standard MIDP, it can also run applications that take advantage of the unique functionality provided by these APIs. These OEM APIs are described in this guide.
MIDP 1.0
J2ME is the version of Java that the mobile device will support. It was developed to support devices with limited memory, i.e mobile devices, pagers, SIM cards.
J2ME maintains the qualities that Java technology has become famous for:
•portability of the code
•leveraging of the same Java programming language
•safe network delivery
•applications written with J2ME are upwardly scalable to work with J2SE and J2EE.
J2ME enables device manufacturers, service providers, and content creators to deploy compelling new applications and services to their customers rapidly and
In using J2ME, the handset must be MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0 compliant. To assure this compliance, the handset must pass the Technology Certification Kit, TCK, provided by Sun.