Telephony API
public void endCall()
throws IOException end or cancel a phone call
IOException - if the call could not be end or cancel.
Interface DialerListener
public interface DialerListener
The DialerListener interface provides a mechanism for the application to be notified of phone call event.
When an event arrives, the notifyDialerEvent() method is called
The listener mechanism allows applications to receive TAPI voice call event without needing to have a listener thread
If multiple event arrive very closely together in time, the implementation has calling this listener in serial.
Sample DialerListener Implementation
Dialer listener program
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.io.*; import com.motorola.*;
public class Example extends MIDlet implements DialerListener { Dialer dialer;
// Initial tests setup and execution.
public void startApp() { try {
dialer = Dialer.getDefaultDialer();
//Register a listener for inbound TAPI voice call events. dialer.setDialerListener(this); dialer.startCall("01065642288");
}catch (IOException e) {
//Handle startup errors