•Large Icons - Until a better solution can be implemented, a generic large animated icon must be created for display on the idle screen.
•Small Icons - A 15 x 15 pixels (Must be used in the Personalize list views).
MIDlets with the
Next to the MIDlet name in the personalize list view.
MIDlets that do not have this attribute will have a standard PNG image displayed
Next to the MIDlet name.
Softkey Labels
The softkey name of the app must be truncated (if the name is too long) after all available space is used. In the rare occasion that there are two applications with the same name (ex. two calculator apps: basic and advanced), the second application name must be truncated followed by the number ‘2’).
Effect of Master Clear or Master Reset
Deleting the MIDlet/Application
Deleting the J2ME MIDlet/application from the My JavaApps list must reset the application keys to their defaults.