JSR 135 Mobile Media API
Atone sequence is specified as a list of
The following is the available method for ToneControl:
GUIControl extends control and is defined for controls that provide GUI functionalities. USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE defines a mode on how the GUI is displayed. initializes the mode on how the GUI is displayed.
When USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE is specified for initDisplayMode, a GUI primitive will be returned. This object is where the GUI of this control will be displayed. It can be used in conjunction with other GUI objects and conforms to the GUI behaviors specified.
VolumeControl is an interface for manipulating the audio volume of a Player. The JSR 135 Mobile Media API will implement public interface VolumeControl.
The following describes the different volume settings found within VolumeControl:
•Volume Settings - allows the output volume to be specified using an integer value that varies between 0 and 100.
•Specifying Volume in the Level Scale - specifies volume in a linear scale. It ranges from 0 – 100 where 0 represents silence and 100 represents the highest volume available.
•Mute – setting mute on or off does not change the volume level returned by the getLevel. If mute is on, no audio signal is produced by the Player. If mute is off, an audio signal is produced and the volume is restored.
The following is a list of available methods with regards to VoumeControl: