JSR 135 Mobile Media API
9 JSR 135 Mobile Media API
JSR 135 Mobile Media API
The JSR 135 Mobile Media APIs feature sets are defined for five different types of media. The media defined is as follows:
•Tone Sequence
•Sampled Audio
When a player is created for a particular type, it will follow the guidelines and control types listed in the sections outlined below.
The Code Sample 4 shows the implementation of the JSR 135 Mobile Media API:
JSR 135
Player player;
//Create a media player, associate it with a stream containing media data
player = Manager.createPlayer(getClass().getResourceAsStream("MP3.mp3 "), "audio/mpeg");
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("FAILED: exception for createPlayer:
"+ e.toString());
//Obtain the information required to acquire the media resources