MIDP 2.0 Security Model
MIDletStateChangeException class in the javax.microedition.midlet package
All constructors and inherited methods for the MIDletStateChangeException class in the javax.microedition.midlet package
Table 26 Security feature/class support for MIDP 2.0
Please note the domain configuration is selected upon agreement with the operator.
Untrusted MIDlet Suites
A MIDlet suite is untrusted when the origin or integrity of the JAR file cannot be trusted by the device.
The following are conditions of untrusted MIDlet suites:
•If errors occur in the process of verifying if a MIDlet suite is trusted, then the MIDlet suite will be rejected.
•Untrusted MIDlet suites will execute in the untrusted domain where access to protected APIs or functions is not allowed or allowed with explicit confirmation from the user.
Untrusted Domain
Any MIDlet suites that are unsigned will belong to the untrusted domain. Untrusted domains handsets will allow, without explicit confirmation, untrusted MIDlet suites access to the following APIs:
•javax.microedition.rms – RMS APIs
•javax.microedition.midlet – MIDlet Lifecycle APIs
•javax.microedition.lcdui – User Interface APIs
•javax.microedition.lcdui.game – Gaming APIs
•javax.microedition.media – Multimedia APIs for sound playback
•javax.microedition.media.control – Multimedia APIs for sound playback
The untrusted domain will allow, with explicit user confirmation, untrusted MIDlet suites access to the following protected APIs or functions:
•javax.microedition.io.HttpConnection – HTTP protocol
•javax.microedition.io.HttpsConnection – HTTPS protocol