d 01: General Status
The general status diagnostic displays the error code, a short description of the error, the purchase count, and specific model information:
Figure B-2
DCT1800 Status
01 DCT1800 STATUS |
ERROR | : | E 00 |
PURCHASES | : | 0 |
Platform ID: | : | 0x0060 |
Family ID | : | 0x0000 |
Model ID | : | 0x008F |
TUNER | : | V860DL |
Remod Channel | : | 3 |
Time Zone |
(hhhhhhhh)MMMM min
DS Entry Time |
1/1/1999 | 00:00 GMT |
DS Exit Time |
1/1/1999 | 00:00 GMT |
Current GPS |
Time |
1/1/1999 | 00:00 GMT |
DCT1800 Installation Manual