Chapter 5 Cloning Mode

Cloning mode is used to either add contacts wirelessly to other radios (Private or Groups, not supported on DTR410) or duplicate all radio settings to new radios (using the optional cloning cable).

Cloning also allows all radios to maintain a contact list so that User Name is shown rather than User ID when receiving voice and data calls.

DTR410 radios do not support the PrivateCall feature, but when cloned from a DTR510 / DTR610 will retain User Name information for easier use.

Entering Cloning Mode

1. Press to turn the source radio on.

2. Enter the cloning mode by performing the following steps in sequence:

a. Hold down

and press the PTT button three times.

b. Press the Left


c. Press .

and￿￿￿￿￿￿press the￿￿￿PTT button￿￿￿￿￿￿three￿￿￿times. The Clone Menu appears.

d. Press the Right

e. Hold down

Cloning Using the Cloning Cable

1.From the Clone menu, scroll to select Duplicate Radio and press under Select. The fol- lowing screen is displayed indicating the target radio must now be connected to the source radio to be cloned using￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿cloning cable￿￿￿￿￿. ￿￿￿￿

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Motorola DTR510, DTR410, DTR610 manual Entering Cloning Mode, Cloning Using the Cloning Cable