Text Messaging (DTR510 / DTR610 only)
Radio Programming: Text Messaging (DTR510 / DTR610 only)


NOTE: Entering or changing the￿￿￿￿￿￿Quick￿￿￿Notes requires￿￿￿￿￿￿the￿use￿of the mini keyboard (53967) which must be attached to the connector on the bottom of the radio.

1. From the Program Menu, scroll to select Text Messages and press under Select. The Quick Notes screen appears.

NOTE: If a new message is to be entered, the left is Select. If a message is selected to be

edited, the left changes to Edit.

2. Scroll to select [Create Quick.. and press Select. The Quick Note screen appears.



Quick Note:


3.Use the mini keyboard to enter the new message. When the first letter is entered, the left

changes to Save and￿￿the right￿￿￿￿￿￿￿changes to Delete.

4.If an error is made while entering the data, under Delete can be used to delete characters one at a time.

5.If the new message is correct, press under Save to store the new message.

6.Scroll to select Manager Mode and press under Change. The Manager Mode screen appears.

￿￿￿￿￿￿9 ￿￿￿￿

NOTE: A next to a selection indicates the present selection.


April 27, 2005

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