never miss a message
Access and listen to voicemail
When you have a new voicemail, shows at the top of your screen. To hear the voicemail,
tap Dialer, then tap and hold
If you need to change your voicemail number, in the home screen press Menu > Settings > Call settings > Voicemail.
Send voicemail
To send a voicemail message to another
1Access your voicemail: Tap Dialer, then tap and hold
2Follow the audio prompts to enter the recipient’s number and record your message.
Visual voicemail
Visual voicemail lets you see and edit a list of your voicemail messages, from your phone display.
Find it: Home >
add your personal touch
Ringtones & sounds
To personalize your ringtones:
Find it: Menu > Settings > Sound & ringtones
>Phone ringtone or Notification ringtone
To set your ringer and vibrate options:
Find it: Menu > Settings > Sound & ringtones
>Ringer & vibrate modes
To change your ringtone to silent, slide down the ringer off switch.
Tip: To use a song as a ringtone, press
Home >
Music > Songs, touch and hold the song name, then tap Use as phone ringtone.
set volume for media and videos
Menu > Settings > Sound & ringtones > Media volume