
never miss a message

Access and listen to voicemail

When you have a new voicemail, shows at the top of your screen. To hear the voicemail,

tap Dialer, then tap and hold .

If you need to change your voicemail number, in the home screen press Menu > Settings > Call settings > Voicemail.

Send voicemail

To send a voicemail message to another T-Mobile subscriber:

1Access your voicemail: Tap Dialer, then tap and hold .

2Follow the audio prompts to enter the recipient’s number and record your message.

Visual voicemail

Visual voicemail lets you see and edit a list of your voicemail messages, from your phone display.

Find it: Home > Voicemails


add your personal touch

Ringtones & sounds


To personalize your ringtones:

Find it: Menu > Settings > Sound & ringtones

>Phone ringtone or Notification ringtone

To set your ringer and vibrate options:

Find it: Menu > Settings > Sound & ringtones

>Ringer & vibrate modes

To change your ringtone to silent, slide down the ringer off switch.

Tip: To use a song as a ringtone, press

Home > Music > Songs, touch and hold the song name, then tap Use as phone ringtone.



set volume for media and videos

Menu > Settings > Sound & ringtones > Media volume


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Motorola MB200 manual Voicemail, Personalization