Contacts & Mobile Backup
contacts like you’ve never had before
About Mobile Backup
Mobile Backup stores your contacts on a secure
Quick start: Contacts
Find it:
Alex Pico
Dan Smith
Kate Shunney
Keith Zang
Luke Carmody
Mariana Bukvic
Press Menu to choose which group to show (like All, Favorites, or Facebook).
Create Contacts
Contacts List
Tap to view contact
information. Tap & hold to edit, delete, and more.
Tap a list view, or flick the display right or left to show:
History - recently used
MobileLife on
Mobile Backup gives you peace of mind, knowing your important information will not be lost if their phone is damaged, lost, or stolen, and allows you to avoid the hassle of manually
Find it: Home >
Mobile Backup
When you change one of your Contacts, your phone automatically updates your MOTOBLUR account online. Also, your phone updates your Contacts and MOTOBLUR account whenever you change a friend in your social networking accounts.
So, you don’t have to do anything to synchronize your Contacts with your other accounts! MOTOBLUR takes care of it for you.
Tip: To search the list, open your phone (or press and hold Menu to open a touchscreen keypad), then type a name. When you flick or drag this list, a scroll bar appears on the right. Drag the scroll bar to move the list faster.
Access contacts
Only MOTOBLUR threads all of your contacts’ information together in a whole new way. Friends photos, status and contact details are automatically updated as they change it on their profiles. In contacts view, MOTOBLUR lets you view all your latest
Contacts & Mobile Backup | 21 |