Emergency calls
Note: Your service provider programs one or more emergency phone numbers (such as 911 or 112) that you can call under any circumstances, even when your phone is locked. Emergency numbers vary by country. Your
1Tap Dialer (if your phone is locked, tap Emergency Call).
2Enter the emergency number.
3Tap Call to call the emergency number.
Note: Your mobile device can use AGPS satellite signals to help emergency services find you (see “GPS
&AGPS” in the Safety, Regulatory & Legal Information booklet).
talk to your five favorite people
Add myFaves contacts
Find it: Home
1Rotate an unassigned circle to the front, and tap it.
2Tap Create new or From contacts.
3Tap a contact or type a name and phone number.
4Tap Add contact.
Edit myFaves contacts
You can change a myFaves contact’s Name at any time. You can the contact’s Phone Number once per calendar month (you’ll see an error if the number change isn’t allowed).
Find it: Home >
1Rotate the contact to the front.
2Press Menu > Edit contact.
3Type a new name and phone number.
4Tap Save contact.
Replace myFaves contacts
Find it: Home >
1Tap the contact’s circle.
2Press Menu > Replace Contact.
myFaves 19