Show Charge Per Call and Show Total Call Charges
These two options display the call charges meter during and after
chargeable calls. The meter shows phone units or currency depending
on your charge type setting (unit or currency).
Note: If you do not receive the Advice of Charge service, either all calls or only outgoing calls are timed, depending on the Personal Communicator model you have.
Use this feature to turn off the display of time and charges.
Call Charge Settings
If you receive the Advice of Charge service, you can customize your settings.
Reset Call Charges
Use this to reset all your meters to 0.
Set Total Charge Limit
You can set a maximum limit for call charges. When your limit is reached, the network does not allow you to receive any more chargeable calls.
If you turn this option on, you are prompted to enter a new limit. Enter the amount as either units or currency, depending on the Set Charge Type setting. Units must be
Call Meters Menu