Perform Basic Mathematical Calculations
1.Enter the first number for the calculation. To enter a decimal point, use ! to select the decimal point symbol, press (, and continue to enter the rest of the number.
2.Use ! to move left or right until the correct function symbol is selected, then press (.
3.Enter the second number for the calculation.
4.Use ! so that = is selected and press (. The result of the calculation is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
Convert Currency
To set the exchange rate:
1.Use ! to move left or right until $ is selected and press ™.
2.When prompted, enter the exchange rate and press (. Press # to enter a decimal point in the exchange rate.
Note: The exchange rate can be up to 10 digits (including the decimal point). Once you enter an exchange rate, the Personal Communicator uses that rate until you change it.