MultiModemISDN User Guide
accepts any incoming call with the same base address, regardless of whether a subaddress is included. If you assign a base address and a subaddress to the MSN, the unit only accepts calls that match both the base address and the subaddress. The following examples show the syntax for setting the MSN with and without a subaddress. AT command: !N1=
MSN with subaddress: AT!N1=5551000:001 (base address is 5551000; subaddress is 001)
MSN without subaddress: AT!N1=5551000 (base address is 5551000)
Voice MSN __________________________________
Selects calls on the voice channel in the same way the Data MSN selects calls on the data channel. AT command: *!N1=
SPIDs and DNs ______________________________
For use with North American switches, the Service Profile Identifier (SPID) must be configured in the
Directory Number (DN) is the phone number another user calls to contact this unit once it is attached to the ISDN.
AT commands: AT!N1= and AT*!N1=Note: SPIDs and DNs are used only by the U.S.
Call Control Configuration
Persistent DTR Dialing _______________________A high DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal on the USB port indicates your computer or terminal is ready to communicate with your
Select Auto Answer if you want your
Dialing Method _____________________________
Select either the Enbloc or the Overlap dialing method for use when establishing a data call.Your ISDN provider determines the dialing method. The Enbloc method is used for most ISDN dialing; however, you can select the overlap method if you are working with a private network. AT command:
%A97=Data Protocol ________________________________
The data protocol, also known as the