Chapter 4 Generating Code for Real-Time Operating Systems
© National Instruments Corporation 4-5 AutoCode Reference
Example 4-3 Subsystem Table Example
rtos.subsys =
Subsystem | Priority Stack Size Processor Mode Flags
1 | 200 4096 1 K_NOFATAL
2 | 150 4096 1 K_IO | K_ER
3 | 150 8192 2 K_STO
Caution The SystemBuild Analyzer identifies how many subsystems a particular model
has. AutoCode is limited to providing you with a warning if the subsystems change.
AutoCode can detect if new subsystems are added, but not when they are deleted. For
example, assume a model and RTOS file for subsystems 1, 2, and 3. If subsystem 2 is
deleted and code regenerated using the previous RTOS file, the new subsystem 1 will use
subsystem 1’s configuration. The new subsystem 2 (which was the old subsystem 3) will
use subsystem 2’s configuration. Then, AutoCode will report that subsystem 3’s data is
Interrupt Procedure SuperBlock TableTable 4-4 consists of configuration information for all interrupt procedure
SuperBlocks in the model. Each row is identified by the name of the
SuperBlock. The table is named intrsupblk. Example4-4 shows an
interrupt table.
Table 4-4. Interrupt Table Contents
Template Parameter
Containing the Data Default Value
Priority Integer proc_priority_li[] scheduler_priority - n
Stack Size Integer proc_stack_size_li[] 1024
Processor Integer proc_processor_map_li[] Round-robin
(a sequential, cyclical
allocation of resources to the
interrupt SuperBlocks)
Vector Integer proc_vector_li[] 0
Mode Flags String proc_mode_flags_ls[] None