Chapter 3 Ada Language Reference
AutoCode Reference 3-4 ni.com
• The principal file is sa_utils.a (or sa_utils.ada), the
stand-alone utilities file. When you compile sa_utils.a/.ada,
you must make the following files from the source distribution
directory available locally:
– sa_utils_.a/.adasa_utils.a/.ada
– sa_time_.a/.adasa_time.a/.ada
– sa_math_.a/.adasa_math.a/.ada
– sa_fmath_.a/.adasa_fmath.a/.ada
– sa_types_.a/.adasa_io.a/.ada
– sa_defn_.a/.ada
• If you are compiling to run with the Real-Time/Expert Block, the
following files must be available locally:
– sa_aiq_.a/.adasa_aiq.a/.ada
• If you are compiling to run with the Real-Time/Fuzzy Logic Block, the
following files must be available locally:
– sa_fuzzy_.a/.adasa_fuzzy.a/.ada
• If you have defined any hand-written UserCode Blocks, these header
files must be available locally:
– sa_user_.a/.adasa_user.a/.ada
• When you compile your generated code program, all of the previous
files must be available.
For use with generated Ada code, mathematical functions are supplied in
the sa_fmath.a/.ada file, using type RT_FLOAT. A set of auxiliary math
functions that are needed to support AutoCode/Ada generated programs
can be found in the AutoCode/Ada supplied package sa_math.a/.ada.
These functions are required even if they are supported by your native Ada
Templates Directory:
Templates: ada_rt.tpl,
ada_intgr.tpl, ada_sim.tpl
Compiled Template: ada_rt.dac,
Directory: %CASE%\ACA\templates
Templates: ada_rt.tpl,
ada_intgr.tpl, ada_sim.tpl
Compiled Template: ada_rt.dac,
Demos Directory: $XMATH/demos Directory: %XMATH%\demos
Table 3-2. Distribution Directories and Files (Continued)
Category UNIX Windows