Chapter 3 Ada Language Reference
© National Instruments Corporation 3-23 AutoCode Reference
4. Compile the generated files—Two source files are generated,
gaintest.a and fxp_gaintest_.a, as shown in Figure3-1. The
imposed package dependencies (refer to the Package Dependencies
section) require that the RT_FIXED_OPERATORS package be compiled
into the Ada Library before the code that represents the model. Thus,
the file fxp_gaintest.a is compiled before gaintest.a.
5. Create an executable—This is the final step and it creates an
executable file. Refer to your Ada compiler documentation on how
tocomplete this step.
Fixed-Point Type Declarations
Within the SA_FIXED package, all of the supported fixed-point data type
are declared. Table3-8 summarizes the fixed-point type specifications.
Generic Functions
The generic functions that are used to instantiate overloaded operators and
other functions are found in the SA_FIXED_GENERICS package, which is
found in the sa_fxpgenerics_.a and sa_fxpgenerics.a files.
Table 3-9 summarizes the functions and their purpose. Refer to the package
specification for more details.
Table 3-8. Fixed-Point Data Type Summary
Range Delta2
(smallest .. largest)
RT_SBY TExx –16..48 2.0 ** (–r)–(2.0 ** 7 – r)..((2.0 ** 7 – r) – (2.0 ** (–r)))
RT_UBY TExx –16..48 2.0 ** (–r)0.0 .. ((2.0 ** 8 – r) – (2.0 ** (–r)))
RT_SSHORTxx –16..48 2.0 ** (–r)–(2.0 ** 15– r)..((2.0 ** 15 – r) – (2.0 ** (–r)))
RT_USHORTxx –16..48 2.0 ** (–r)0.0 .. ((2.0 ** 16– r) – (2.0 ** (–r)))
RT_SLONGxx –16..48 2.0 ** (–r)–(2.0 ** 31– r)..((2.0 ** 31 – r) – (2.0 ** (–r)))
RT_ULO NGxx3–16..48 2.0 ** (–r)0.0 .. ((2.0 ** 31 – r) – (2.0 ** (–r)))
1 xx denotes a two-digit number representing the radix, like 03 or 12.
2 r denotes a specific radix.
3 Ada compiler limitations restrict the range of the data types to be the same as if the data types were signed.