Chapter 2 C Language Reference
AutoCode Reference 2-4
Data Types
Several of the target-specific utilities are involved with data types
(in the sa_types.h file). The three following data types are defined for
the C Code Generator:
RT_FLOAT Corresponds to C type double or float, depending on
your C compiler.
RT_INTEGER Corresponds to C type integer.
RT_BOOLEAN Corresponds to C type integer.
At compilation, you must make available the sa_types.h header file,
which declares these types. This file is in the src distribution directory
onyour syst em; you can edit a copy of it as required. The structure
STATUS_RECORD also is declared in sa_types.h to be used with
hand-coded UserCode Blocks. You can modify sa_types.h if you need
Table 2-3. Header Files
File Purpose
sa_sys.h Defines the development platform. Contains a C
preprocessor #define statement for each supported
sa_types.h Defines the supported data types and certain math
sa_defn.h Defines constants for generated code, error codes, and
mapping for ANSI features such as const and volatile.
sa_intgr.h Contains definitions of integration algorithms
(including user-supplied integrator) used in code
generation of hybrid or continuous systems.
sa_fuzzy.h Contains definitions of fuzzy logic support routines.
sa_utils.h Contains external function prototypes for the
stand-alone utilities.
sa_math.h Declares certain extensions to ANSI-Standard C math
functions. The sa_math.c file, which contains the
code for the extensions, is also required.
sa_time.h Declares a time-related variable.
sa_user.h Furnishes a function prototype for UCBs.