Chapter 3 Ada Language Reference
© National Instruments Corporation 3-5 AutoCode Reference
floating-point MATH_LIB. The sa_time.a/.ada file provides the
Elapsed_Time_Of( ) function.
The purposes of the more important specification files are listed in
Table 3 -3.
Data TypesSeveral of the target-specific utilities are involved with data types; three
data types (declared in sa_types.a/ada) are defined for the Ada Code
RT_FLOAT Corresponds to Ada type FLOAT.
RT_INTEGER Corresponds to Ada type INTEGER.
RT_BOOLEAN Corresponds to Ada type BOOLEAN.
At compilation, you must make available the specification file
sa_types_.a (or sa_types_.ada), which declares these types, along
with corresponding array types. This file is in the source distribution
directory on your system and you can edit a copy of the file as required.
Certain global record, array, and exception types are also defined in
this file. The record type RT_STATUS_RECORD is declared in
sa_types_.a/.ada and is used when UserCode Blocks are referenced.
Table 3-3. Target-Specific Utility Routines
File Purpose
sa_types_.a Defines the supported data types.
sa_defn_.a Defines constants and error codes for generated code.
sa_utils_.a Defines external function prototypes for the
stand-alone utilities.
sa_math_.a Defines special math functions used by generated
sa_fmath_.a Used only by Verdix compilers to re-export functions
already supported by the Ada math library.
sa_time_.a Declares time-related variables and functions.
sa_user.a Defines function prototypes for UCBs.