AutoCode Reference I-10
shared memory
callouts, 5-50
fixed-point callouts
Ada, 5-47
C, 5-46
shared variable block support, 5-47
simulation, stand-alone, 2-1
soft-subscript, 5-29
software (NI resources), A-1
software constructs. See generated code
architecture, software constructs
stand-alone simulation, 2-1
stand-alone utility file, 2-3, 3-4
standard procedures. See SuperBlocks,
standard procedures
static (persistent) data, 5-9
initializing, 5-10
Stop Block, 2-8
with epi, 5-18
without epi, 5-18
block ordering, 5-5
block state
state data, 5-9
continuous, 5-41
BlockScript block, 5-29
integration, 5-42
limitations of generated code, 5-42
phases, 5-42
copy-back (vectorized code), 5-10
creation by SystemBuild analyzer, 5-5
data monitoring, 9-2
code generation, 9-3
limitations, 9-4
specifying monitored signals, 9-2
BlockScript block, 5-26
error condition, 5-9
error handling, 5-11
handling duplicates, 5-10
iinfo array, 5-9
phase condition, 5-9
init, 5-10
output, 5-10
state, 5-10
procedural interface
unrolled interface, 5-12
procedure data, 5-10
sample and hold, 5-8
single-rate system, 5-8
static (persistent) data, 5-9
initializing, 5-10
top-Level SuperBlock, 5-6
unrolled interface, 5-12
procedure, 2-20
standard procedures, 5-11
error handling, 5-12
handling %vars, 5-12
iinfo array, 5-17
info structure, 5-11
input arguments, 5-15
input structure, 5-11
name, u, 5-15, 5-16, 5-17
nested state arguments, 5-15
output arguments, 5-15
output structure, 5-11
phases, 5-12
rinfo array, 5-17
state arguments, 5-15
support, technical, A-1
TT (UCB fixed call argument)
Ada, 3-12
C, 2-13
technical support, A-1