Chapter 5 Generated Code Architecture
© National Instruments Corporation 5-19 AutoCode Reference
Notice the relative numbering within a task/procedure type. Also, be aware
that standard procedures are not given a unique identifier for the purposes
of the caller_id element. A standard procedure SuperBlock uses the id
of its caller as its own when the caller’s id is needed.
In addition to declaring the extra element in the info structure, the -epi
option causes AutoCode to assign the unique task/procedure identifier to
the caller_id element and to use the caller_id as an argument for
variable block callouts for variable block accesses within a standard
procedure SuperBlock. Refer to the Global Variable Block Callouts section
for more information about variable block callouts.
Compatibility IssuesThe use of -epi affects all generated procedures. It is not possible to
specify some procedures with and some other procedures without the
caller_id element. Also, subsystem code generated assumes the
existence of the caller_id element in all standard procedure SuperBlock
info structures and generates code based on that assumption.
You cannot automatically mix procedures generated with the -epi option
and procedures generated without the -epi option; you must manually add
the caller_id element to the old procedure’s info structure declaration.
The old procedure will have been generated without the existence of the
new element and thus its presence in the structure will not affect the
previously generated code as that code never references it. Its effect,
Table 5-3. Procedure Ordering
Task/Procedure Unique Identifier
subsystem task 1 1
subsystem task 2 2
subsystem task 3 3
startup procedure 1 –4
startup procedure 2 –5
startup procedure 3 –6
background procedure 1 7
background procedure 2 8
interrupt procedure 1 9