Chapter 5 Generated Code Architecture
© National Instruments Corporation 5-45 AutoCode Reference
3. Copy a block of local data into shared data:
4. Copy shared data into local data:
Mapping Command OptionsThere is a set of command options that provide a way to direct AutoCode
to generate code for specific functions on a specific processor. This lets you
load-balance your system by being able to shift code from one processor to
another. The entities that can be mapped to a specific processor include
subsystems, background procedures, startup procedures, and interrupt
procedures. Refer to the AutoCode User Guide for information on how to
specify the maps.
Fixed-Point Support for Multiprocessor AutoCodeAutoCode’s capability to generate code for multiprocessor hardware has
been strengthened with fixed-point data type support. If a multiprocessor
target’s shared memory architecture prevents direct access to variables
(such as alignment problems or distributed memory), AutoCode must
generate callouts instead of assignment statements. The callouts are
generated when the -smco option is used and there are different callouts to
deal with different data types. In this section, these fixed point callouts are
described in detail. For more details regarding multiprocessor code, refer to
the appropriate chapter in the manual.
Definitions and ConventionsThe following list presents the terms commonly used when referring to the
shared memory callouts.
•MBUF refers to shared memory.
•LOC stands for local memory.
•SBYTE stands for signed byte.
•UBYTE stands for unsigned byte.
•SSHORT stands for signed short.
•USHORT stands for unsigned short.